
Honkai Star Rail Build Guide — Luocha

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Finally, a limited 5-star healer is soon to enter Honkai Star Rail’s playable roster in just a couple of days.

The one and only Luocha no doubt has many fans kicking their feet waiting to pull for him–and for good reason! Whilst Bailu and Natasha are amazing in their own right, Luocha will be the first healer to scale off his ATK, a fact which, coupled with his unique kit, will definitely spice up team dynamics for those lucky enough to get him.

Here’s a short and sweet guide on how you can build your Luocha:

Light Cone

Source: HoYoverse

As per usual for limited 5-star characters, Luocha’s ideal Light Cone is the one with his face on it: Echoes of the Coffin.This weapon will increase Luocha’s ATK by a significant percentage and provides a SPD boost to allies for 1 turn after using his Ultimate. Additionally, for every different target Luocha attacks, he will be able to recover Energy for himself.

If you’re unable to get his limited Light Cone, here are alternatives you can use instead!

  • Post-Op Conversation

Although it’s a 4-star Light Cone, this weapon is a solid choice for Luocha as it not only increases his Energy Regeneration Rate but also boosts his Outgoing Healing after using his Ultimate.

It’s due to how both factors are extremely useful to Luocha (plus the fact that it’s much easier to attain for the average player) that I personally feel this Light Cone is the best alternative to this limited 5-star light cone.

  • Shared Feeling

Another 4-star alternative, this option increases the wearer’s Outgoing Healing and also regenerates 2 Energy for all allies after the wearer uses their Skill.

  • Time Waits for No One

This 5-star weapon increases HP and Outgoing Healing. Additionally, when any ally attacks, a random enemy takes Additional DMG equal to a set percentage of Luocha’s Outgoing Healing value.

Take note that while having extra HP is always nice to help keep characters alive, Luocha doesn’t scale off his HP so he can’t really benefit from that specific aspect of this Light Cone. Thus, this choice isn’t highly recommended unless you personally like the Additional DMG factor.


  • 4-piece Passerby of Wandering Cloud

The ideal set for healer characters, this increases Outgoing Healing (2-piece) and regenerates 1 Skill Point at the start of the battle (4-piece).

  • 4-piece Musketeer of Wild Wheat

This set buffs overall ATK (2-piece) and increases SPD and Basic ATK DMG (4-piece). This works for Luocha since his Outgoing Healing scales off his ATK.

As for Planar Ornament sets, Space Sealing Station is a solid option since it increases ATK by 12% and if your Luocha’s SPD is 120 or higher, his ATK is increased by another 12%. Alternatively, a more basic support set would be Fleet of the Ageless as it increases all allies’ ATK by 8% if the user’s SPD is 120 or higher; the set will also increase his max HP by 12%.

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