In a surprising turn of events, Hi-Rez has officially unveiled Smite 2, the highly anticipated sequel to its critically acclaimed action MOBA released in...
It is no secret: The gaming and esports industry is booming. This presents an opportunity for many organisations – not limited to those within the industry – and some are already grabbing it with both hands.
League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most popular games in the world, with over 100 million monthly players. Riot Games, the developer behind this hugely popular title, looks set to release their next big hit in the form of a 2D fighting game. Here is what we know so far.
Back in June, we said you should be excited for the full version of Baldur’s Gate 3 to drop and guess what? We are certainly not gloating but we were right. It is finally available to play and has taken the gaming community by storm.
Nintendo Switch fans! It might be time to start thinking about an upgrade because it is beginning to look like the console’s successor will be launched in late-2024.
For the first time in its history, the Ferrari Esports Series is opening up to the Asia-Pacific region. So if you are an aspiring sim racer, it’s your time to shine – just open up Assetto Corsa and start by setting a few flying laps.