In the past week, Netflix’s latest K-Drama offering, Squid Game, has taken the world by storm. The original series centres around people deep in debt and poverty, who compete in 6 Korean childhood games, with a twist. From Red Light, Green Light to Tug-of-War, everyone’s competing to play for a whooping 45.6 Billion Won (USD$38.6 Million). Everyone’s playing on a fair and balanced playing field… or so it seems.
And don’t let the cheery and colourful settings fool you. Once eliminated, they’ll be mercilessly killed. It’s every person for themselves. Trust no one. Either way, this bloodbath makes for perfect memes!
1. If only we had the discipline…
It’s always “one last game” until it’s 4am. For Seong Gi-Hun (played by Lee Jung-jae) in Squid Game and gamers everywhere, it will cost us our mental sanity and physical energy. Well, more so for Gi-Hun than gamers. But, surviving with less than 3 hours of sleep a day is a herculean task in itself, if you think about it.
2. I’ll stick with the controller
The staff in Squid Game, who watch over the participants, are all masked (as we should be) and their masks look vaguely familiar. Ring, ring! PlayStation called, they’d like their controller buttons back. But seriously, I’d rather play Dark Souls Remastered blind than be in Squid Game for a second.
3. It’s free tho
In these financially questionable times, you can’t blame someone for being excited for free skins. You have to save money whenever possible. And on that note, I wonder if any games will make a Squid Game-themed skin soon. Ignoring the blood and bullet holes, they honestly look dope.
4. What if Razer sponsored Squid Games in S2?
The Singaporean-American company has thrown its hat into the ring. With their reputation of being ‘For Gamers, By Gamers’, a Razer-sponsored Squid Game would definitely see trolling and speedrunning be taken to the extreme. So, it’s a hard pass for me.
5. Bless you, Carry!
As a noob myself, I’ve seen countless times where carry players completely turned the tide at the last minute. There are even carries in Squid Game (Shoutout Sang-Woo and old man but not really). These lone wolves can literally take on a whole enemy team and I salute y’all.