Meme Monday: Game NFTs are ruining my life!

The turn of a new year usually brings resolutions and new goals. People generally aim to better themselves in the following year. Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda didn’t get the memo though.

To celebrate the start of 2022, Mr Yosuke released a New Year’s letter. It’s the typical company PR – filled with niceties and aspirations for the year. But, something in it stood out like a cash grab remake – NFTs (or Non-Fungible Tokens).

The letter further described 2021 as NFTs: Year One – citing that they “were met with a great deal of enthusiasm by a rapidly expanding user base”. His fascination stems from various trends and untapped potential. The Internet might disagree but Mr Yosuke believed it, or digital goods, will find its footing in the general public soon.

Square Enix was quickly hailed as a contender for the fastest screw-up of the year. Although there are mentions of other plans – like A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and cloud technology being integrated – fans intensely honed in on Square Enix’s NFT plans. 

The controversial topic is fairly hated for its disastrous environmental impact. Understated jabs at fans who “played for fun” didn’t help matters either. As such, many freely expressed their disappointment and more on social media. Of course, memes and callouts followed suit. What’s a better way to start a new year than roasting corporations and NFTs!

1. Best Thing since the Mona Lisa


The discussion as to how the gaming industry levels up is interesting. From VR goggles to A.I., the future for the industry is bright. However, NFTs smudge in that vision. Regardless of its perceived benefits, they can’t possibly outweigh its detrimental impacts, right?

2. Digital K.O.


One of the worst things an NFT collector can experience… A copy! Through the frankly complicated process that collectors love to explain, NFTs seem like a secure way to protect one’s digital assets. But, if a simple screenshot or download can maneuver this “system”, it’s not accomplishing its job. It’s nonsense disguised as an innovation.

3. Future Nostalgia Trauma


Credit where credit is due. The industry is trying its hardest to make NFTs the next thing. Unfortunately, wholesome games aren’t spared. Last year, the creators announced 20,500 Neopets NFTs. Cue the overwhelming criticism from the Neopets community. Regardless, they went through with the release. Hopefully, it’ll be a different story with Square Enix.

4. More villainous than Sephiroth


The jokes write themselves, folks! As much as misery loves company, it’s nice to laugh at the gaming industry once in a while. Remember that Final Fantasy VII, arguably their most successful installment from a beloved franchise, was all about environmentalism. Thus, Square Enix’s likely foray into NFTs serves as a lesson in irony.

5. The Voice of Reason

Game Twitter was a hellscape at the release of the letter. Hopefully, this backlash serves as a wake-up call to Square Enix and every other company. The gaming community despises NFTs and won’t budge on the issue. They serve no purpose to players and won’t revolutionise the industry. It’s either us or NFTs.

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