Tencent's ambitious plans are finally coming to fruition. Through its subsidiary, Level Infinite, the global launch of Honor of Kings is set for June...
After weeks of rumors, the renowned Indonesian esports organization RRQ has finally opened the doors to Honor of Kings players seeking professional opportunities. And...
Team Secret has seized the spotlight as the premier organization to lock in its lineup for the much-anticipated Honor of Kings esports extravaganza. Set...
In an interesting development, RRQ has reunited with their legendary duo, Diky “Tuturu” and William “Liam” Setiawan, after a prolonged absence from the competitive...
The Honor of Kings esports scene seems to be undergoing an interesting development, with reports indicating that leading esports organizations are converging on the...
After an extended hiatus from the esports limelight, the illustrious former coach of Evos Esports' MLBB team, Bjorn "Zeys" Ong, has recently hinted at...
Amidst massive international media attention and fantastic record achievements, Honor of Kings, one of the popular mobile games in the Chinese region, appears to...